We assume that by submitting your article to Annales Zoologici Fennici you accept our Terms and Conditions, and Copyright policy.

A manuscript should be prepared as described in the Instructions. Poor language, substantial departures from the instructions, and/or missing or incomplete submission form will result in returning the manuscript without review.

The authors should be arranged according to the degree of their contributions to the research and writing of the paper with the first contributing the most. The authors' order should not be changed after submission. Our expectation is that every person listed as an author of a paper has
• made substantial contributions to the conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.
• drafted the article or revised it critically for important intellectual content.
• given final approval of the version to be published.
• Individuals who have made lesser contributions such as supervision of the research group, or providing advice, occasional analyses, material, space, or who may have supported the research in other ways (e.g. by acquisition of data or funding), should only be acknowledged.

Please note that only one and the same author should be identified in the submission form and in the manuscript as the one responsible for correspondence. For practical reasons as well as to avoid confusion and contradictions we will communicate exclusively with this author.

To facilitate reviewing, lines of the text should be continuously numbered [e.g. in MS Word, please select 'Document' from the 'Format' menu, press 'Layout' and in the next window 'Line numbers ...', then check 'Add line numbering', 'Start at = 1', 'From text = Auto', 'Count by = 1' and select 'Continuous'; after pressing OK, lines in your document will be numbered].

Figures, tables and appendixes with their captions should be placed after References. All supplementary material (tables and figures) should be presented in appendixes.

All submissions can only be made by e-mail. To submit:

1. Convert the manuscript (incl. tables, figures and appendixes, placed at the end of the article, after the references) into one PDF file, or join PDF files into one if several have been created, placing tables, figures and appendixes at the end. Exceptionally we can accept submission consisting of several PDF files. Please do not submit your article or its parts in other formats (e.g. MS Word). PDF files should not be protected in any way.
2. Use short filenames (not longer than 20 ASCII characters). The surname of the first author is a good choice for a filename [e.g. Smith.pdf]. Do not use the article title for filenames.
3. Download the submission form from HERE, unzip it if it does not happen automatically, and open it with Adobe Acrobat. Fill in the form (required fields should not be left empty). Private (personal) e-mail addresses can be provided only if institutional ones are not available. Save the completed submission form on your hard disk at the same location as the PDF file(s) containing the article to be submitted. Rename the file 'subm_from' by adding the surname of the first author after 'subm_form' [e.g. subm_form_Smith.pdf]. If you encounter problems with the form, please contact us directly at editor[at]

4. Click E-MAIL to start your e-mail application such as e.g., Outlook, OS X Mail or Thunderbird (the e-mail address of the editorial office and the subject field are filled automatically).

5. Attach the PDF file(s) containing your article and the submission form to the e-mail, replace the text in the body with a cover letter, and send the e-mail.
6. If the e-mail application does not start automatically (i.e., such application is not installed on your computer), please open manually the application you use for sending e-mail messages (e.g. web browser for webmail), create new message, attache to it the PDF containing the article and the filled-in submission form, write a short cover letter in the message body, and send the message with attached files to editor[at] If problems still persist, please contact us at editor[at] (cc to sekj.journals[at] for instructions.

If the paper fulfills our requirements listed in the instructions and the submission form is properly completed, you (and all co-authors) will shortly receive acknowledgement of receipt of the paper. If the acknowledgement message or any pertinent information does not reach your within a few days, please inquire by sending an e-mail to editor[at] (cc to sekj.journals[at]

Only when accepted, an MS Word (.doc or .rtf) file containing the manuscript (text, tables, captions, appendices) and possibly files with the figures should be sent to us by e-mail.

Evaluation procedure

All submitted manuscripts are first scrutinised by the editor. This includes verification whether an article is original and previously unpublished, fulfils our requirements presented in the instructions to authors, the subject is within the scope of the journal, the introduction sufficiently presents the background for the study and research objectives, description of the methods used is sufficient, data valid, and the results sound considering the methods and data used. Papers deemed suitable for publication are sent to unbiased experts (most often two) for evaluation. Exceptionally, a member of the journal's advisory/editorial board may also act as a reviewer. Identities of the reviewers are kept confidential unless they specifically state that they do not wish to remain anonymous. However, identities of the authors are made known to reviewers. Knowledge about the existence of a manuscript under consideration and its content is restricted to the editorial staff and assigned reviewers only, and full confidentiality is maintained throughout the evaluation process. Final decisions regarding a manuscript's acceptance or rejection are made by the editor-in-chief based on the evaluations. Manuscripts whose subjects are outside the scope of the journal or do not fulfil our above-mentioned requirements are returned without consideration.