Language | Tenses | Dashes | Numbers | Symbols | Italicisation | Units | Dates | Time | Abbreviations and acronyms | Geographic nomenclature | Text (Title | Author | Address | Abstract | Appendices | Footnotes | Equations | Tables | Figures and drawings | Photographs | Colour illustrations | References | References in the text | Reference list) | Proofs.

Detailed Instructions to Authors of ACCEPTED PAPERS

(for details regarding submission of manuscripts please select SUBMISSION from the top menu)

It is expected that the authors make the data underlying published articles available. Any impediments to data sharing should be brought to the attention of the editors at the time of submission.

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Use either British or American English consistently throughout the text. Change the language settings for the document accordingly. Write in a clear style. Avoid the use of passive voice. The pronouns I (we), me (us), and my (our) should preferably be used and thus reflect the responsibility of the author(s) towards the study. The authors bear full responsibility for the quality of the language. If English is not your first language, make sure that the manuscript is checked by a native English speaker, preferably somebody familiar with the subject and nomenclature used. We routinely check the language of all accepted manuscripts and if we find it to be inadequate, manuscripts are returned for further corrections.

Certain elements of the manuscript layout that are requested here — but not present in the printed articles — are necessary to facilitate the typesetting process.

Tenses [top]

In scientific writing, only two tenses — present and (simple) past — are normally used. So-called `perfect tenses' (e.g. present perfect) should be avoided. Thus, there are the following `tense' rules that should be observed:

Dashes [top]

Numbers [top]

Symbols [top]

Italicisation [top]

Units [top]

Dates [top]

Time [top]

Abbreviations and acronyms [top]

Geographic nomenclature [top]

Text [top]

Tables [top]

Detailed instruction as to how tables should be prepared and saved are available HERE (PDF file, Acrobat Reader 7 or higher needed for viewing and printing). Other requirements to be considered are listed below.

Figures and drawings [top]

Detailed instruction as to how figures should be prepared and saved are available HERE (PDF file, Acrobat Reader 7 or higher needed for viewing and printing). Other requirements to be considered are listed below.

References [top]

Proofs [top]

The first or appointed author will receive proofs of the article. Errors caused by editorial or linguistic alterations will be corrected free of charge. Other errors, especially if their correction affects the layout, may be corrected for a fee. We do not assume responsibility for misinterpretation of illegibly marked corrections.

The proofs with both attached forms (filled in) should be returned to the Editorial Office exclusively by mail within 48 hours of their arrival. Errors found after the proofs have been returned may not be corrected.